We love documenting the small drawing gestures created throughout the weeks and it gave us an idea… what if we created mini frames to display our work? What if they were simple to make, easy to display and made of everyday materials? We started brainstorming and came up with a couple of ideas but this is how the bottle caps and resin became our latest obsession.

  1. First we had to raid our bottle cap collection which Alex was less than pleased about.mini_frame_02
  2. We took our black and white drawings, colorized them with colored pencils.mini_frame_03
  3. Then we carefully cut them and adhered the circles to the bottom of the bottle caps.mini_frame_05
  4. And then againmini_frame_04
  5. And then we poured the resin to create a “framed behind glass” effect. We also added magnets to the back so that they could be displayed anywhere.mini_frame_06
  6. Blow fish by Alex, Komodo Dragon by Lucas, Heart Boy by Maximomini_frame_07 mini_frame_08