As you know by now we are bird fanatics and the Crane is one of those amazing creatures that we love to draw and represent in our art. We also love tools and to make things to surround ourselves with and thus was worn our Metal Crane, Siberian Crane to be exact. This is how we made this sculpture.

^ First the blueprint of the Siberian Crane by Alex. Please make special note of the chain-like feathers. We knew this had to be a Metal Crane right from he start in order to withstand our harsh winters.

^ We trimmed out the shapes from sheet metal and used bolts for eyes.

^ We gave the bird a little bit of structure by creating a wire body that we could wrap the sheet metal around.

^ We used threaded rods for the legs.

^ We wrapped twine around the neck for texture and masked the areas that we wanted to leave dark.

^ Now we were ready for paint. White in this case because it is the Siberian Crane’s coloring.

^ We also added chains for the tail feathers

^ Detail of our Siberian Crane Sculpture